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Pair a show at Cheaper Than Therapy with a meal at one of the excellent restaurants nearby.

Chisme Cantina $$
Closes by 9pm
Bouche $$$
Closes by 9pm
Sons & Daughters $$$$
Closes by 9pm
Shalimar $
Closes by 10pm
Aliment $$
Closes by 10pm
Matador $$
Closes by 10pm
Mensho Tokyo $$
Closes by 10pm
Oren’s Hummus $$
Closes by 10pm
Burma Love $$$
Closes by 10pm
Le Colonial $$$
Closes by 10pm
Bartlett Hall $$
Closes by 11pm
Bodega $$
Closes by 11pm
Fanoos $$
Closes by 11pm
Gusto $$
Closes by 11pm
Mr. Charlie's $
Closes by midinght
Pakwan $
Closes by midinght
707 Sutter $$
Closes by midnight
Bite $$
Closes after midnight